BLOG 80 28th Nov 2012 (A mini-blog)

Hi everybody – I’m writing this in Singapore. On tour with Maksim the Croatian classical pianist. Arrived here Sunday, did a concert Monday, promo yesterday and today and leave for China tomorrow for several concerts. I’m very VERY ready for Christmas at home.
Its been a very busy year and have lost count of everywhere I’ve been. It feels like I’ve lived on aeroplanes. I was in Los Angeles in October with INXS singer Ciaran Gribbin working on his solo things, meeting high end music industry people. Then I went back to London for a couple of weeks before heading out to Australia and taking in a few INXS shows and staying with the Gribbins in the wonderful Palm Beach area. It was a great tour they did in arenas with Matchbox Twenty and it was great to see Ciaran duetting with MB20 singer Rob Thomas. From Sydney it was back to London for two weeks during which time the Frantic Four Status Quo re-union shows in March were announced. It’s going to be a lot of fun and so good to see Francis, Rick, Alan and John back together again for nine shows. We all spent a lovely day together and at the Classic Rock Awards dinner. I’m also looking forward to going on the road with them again and playing harmonica on Roadhouse Blues. I think the last time was at the Milton Keynes Bowl to 50,000 people on the ‘End Of The Road’ tour.

I’m working on my second book of poems also right now and hope to have it ready in March/April so I’ll keep you posted and if anyone is interested will let you know how to get hold of a copy. I’ve had many requests over the years for a new one as its been 25 years since the release of the first collection ‘Alias The Compass’. I recently found a long lost box with a lot of things I’d written over the years so I figured it was time to go through them and start the new book.

I’ll be back from China just in time to go along to the Quo gig at the O2 Arena on Dec 19th which I’m very much looking forward to.

This is only going to be a mini-blog this time with apologies as I need to leave soon to catch another flight but I’ll put together a Christmas website update and look forward to catching up again with you all soon.

Thanks again for the ever patient webmeister Jurgen.

Cheers for now
Bob x